He Ua la!

He Ua lā, He Ua! – Tips for helping your electricals through the rainy season

Winter is wet here in the islands. Our home in Hilo can get over 200 inches in the rainy season. This is a real challenge for anything electrical. Connectors corrode, insulation mildews, and stuff stops working.

So, between the rains and the winds, our local electrical systems take a real beating. Mildew grows in the seals and contacts, water seeps in, condensation can occur inside components. Outdoor fixtures can fill with water and short.

Take some time to go check all your outdoor fixtures. Clean and repair any damaged seals and gaskets. Refrigerators and freezers also have a hard time in this humidity. The seals can get mildewed and start leaking air. Clean them thoroughly.

Utilities have a hard time, with the constant humidity affecting connectors. Even without wind, you may experience flickering power.

If this happens, turn off all unnecessary electricals to reduce draw on the grid. You may also want to turn off the freezer and refrigerator until the power stabilizes. Low and fluctuating power can damage motors, and power surges can damage microprocessors—which most appliances from washing machines to microwave ovens seem to have these days.

Once the power is stable, turn things back on one at a time.

He Ua Lā, He Ua

He ua lā, he ua
He ua pi‘i mai;
Noenoe hālau,
Hālau loa o Lono.
Ō lono ‘oe
Pā ‘ā‘ā nā pali
I ka hana a ‘Ikuā
Pohā kō‘ele‘ele.
A Welehu ka malama,
Noho i Makali‘i
Li‘ili‘i ka hana.

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